Today, I wanna present to you a talented young man and his band. I'm happy to say that I met him... we were in the same choir a long time ago (6 years ago if I'm right). Mihai Popistasu (that's his name) won some music contest since than and I think he's pretty damn good at what he's doing! Also, I find the guitarist there brilliant!.. I really enjoy his work! ...
You'll find here one video with Mihai and his band singing Everything and one with Adrian Gradinaru (the guitarist) and Adrian Nastase (piano) singing Hijo de la luna (I love this one!!!)...
I usually don't like female voices... but, this is an exception... It's a kinda creepy song (like the lyrics say - "little creepy girl with her little creepy face") but the chorus really blows my mind... I really like it...
And of course, as usually, I found the best cover for this song (I even think that the cover singer's voice is better than Kerli's.. but, that's just me and my preferences)
Hmmm... this could have been the perfect Valentine's Day song for you guys... but, I found it to late (SORRY!) ... Ehh... you can always use it as a Happy Birthday song :D
Well... obviously I don't talk about sex (I know that was what you thought ... hehehe)
Actually, I just wanna show two dance routines that I love. One of them is performed by 2 dancers and the other one by 14 dancers... What do they have in common? - the same song - Kenny Loggins - Footloose.
Ei bine, eu nu am aflat aceste informatii la timp si am probleme cu imprimanta mea... asa ca m-am hotarat sa va impartasesc ce-am aflat in ultimul timp despre imprimante (sper sa va fie de folos)...
Astazi m-am hotarat sa printez niste imagini pentru copiii de la gradinita unde lucrez.. si, ghiciti ce s-a intamplat ?! Dupa primele 10 pagini SURPRIZA!! - cartusul de la imprimanta GOL.
Bineinteles, nu aveam nici bani nici timp sa il inlocuiesc asa ca i-am dezamagit pe cei mici.
Atunci cand mi-am ales imprimanta mi s-a spus ca pot printa fara griji foarte mult timp cu un cartus, ceea ce e o mare minciuna - un cartus tine mult timp doar daca printezi imagini cu o calitate slaba sau pagini aproape albe. Din acest motiv imprimanta mea sta de foarte multe ori pe dulap, nefolosita. Asta este doar un motiv sa va asigurati ca imprimanta pe care o achizitionati este compatibila cu folosirea unui sistem CISS sau a cartuselor refilabile (gasiti totul despre compatibilitatea unei imprimante pe site-ul ).
Oricum, problema cartusului care se termina foarte repede si costa exagerat de mult nu e singurul lucru care trebuie luat in considerare atunci cand va alegeti imprimanta... Va intrebati ce fel de imprimanta satisface nevoile pe care le aveti? Va trebuie pentru birou sau acasa? O folositi pentru a tipari poze/imagini sau documente text? Alb-negru sau color?....
Vizitati pentru a gasit raspunsul la toate aceste intrebari!!!
Hmmm... so I guess tomorrow is Valentine's Day huh?!... You're all out there buying gifts for the one you love... roses and little heart shape useless things... Right?!
Now, I wonder if you really feel like you wanna do that or you just do it because it's Valentine's Day?!... You do it because he/she expects those things from you on Valentine's Day?!...
Do you think a Valentine's Day gift is a such a great surprise ?!... well, IT'S NOT!!
If you wanna show your feelings, do it honest... you don't need a special day to do that... do it when you feel it, not when people expect you to do it !!
"Peg O' My Heart" is a song written by Alfred Bryan and Fred Fisher and it was released in 1913 in the musical "Ziegfeld Follies"... (I know ... It's a really old song ... ) Anyway... Here's a Trubold & Enricator version of the song... I love it ! Enjoy!
What can I say about this video ?... well .. the guy has a really great voice ... and the kid there - WOAW, she's super cute, daddy's little girl... Simply adorable !!!
Axis of Awesome is a Australian comedy group and they performed this at the 2009 Melbourne International Comedy Festival.
I think it's super funny and entertaining ....
Here's the full song list:Journey - Don't Stop Believing, James Blunt - You're Beautiful,Alphaville - Forever Young, Jason Mraz - I'm Yours, Mika - Happy Ending, Alex Lloyd - Amazing, The Calling - Wherever You WIll Go, Elton John - Can You Feel The Love Tonight, Maroon 5 - She Will Be Loved, The Last Goodnight - Pictures Of You, U2 - With Or Without You, Crowded House - Fall At Your Feet, Kasey Chambers - Not Pretty Enough, The Beatles - Let it Be, Red Hot Chili Peppers - Under the Bridge, Daryl Braithwaite - The Horses, Bob Marley - No Woman No Cry, Marcy Playground - Sex and Candy, Men At Work - Land Down Under, Banjo Patterson's Waltzing Matilda, A Ha - Take On Me, Green Day - When I Come Around, Eagle Eye Cherry - Save Tonight, Toto - Africa, Beyonce - If I Were A Boy, The Offspring - Self Esteem, The Offspring - You're Gonna Go Far Kid, Pink - You and Your Hand, Lady Gaga - Poker Face, Aqua - Barbie Girl, The Fray - You Found Me, 30h!3 - Don't Trust Me, MGMT - Kids, Tim Minchin - Canvas Bags, Natalie Imbruglia - Torn, Five For Fighting - Superman, Axis Of Awesome - Birdplane, Missy Higgins - Scar
Many of you may know him ... but not all of you... so I'm gonna introduce him to you...
Sungha Jung is from South Korea and he's only 14 years old now... I've watched his videos since he was little (I found him 4-5 years ago) ... and the kid's simply amazing !!!
Here are 2 of his videos...
First one - it's the Mission Impossible theme and it's made 4 years ago...
Second one is really new... he posted it on youtube yesterday and it's Stevie Wonders's song Superstition...