Wednesday, February 15, 2012

You don't need so much to be happy

Here's a lovely song that always makes me feel good...
I also try to translate the lyrics for you... cuz it has amazing lyrics !

You don't need so much
To be happy
Some friends are enough
And the sunset

You don't need so much
To be happy
A song is enough
And a little infinite

Temptation so bright
So many plans, so much pain
And you forgot that the world is made
From little things...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

I'm BACK !

Hello ! .. It's a long time since I last post here ... but .. here I am.. I'm back in business!
I decided to post again cuz I saw that people still check my blog :)

I have many new amazing things that I wanna share with you guys... and I'd like to start with one of my new drawings.... Here it is ->

And a cool song... The Band is called SUKAR NATION ... and the guys, my friends, are from Romania, Iasi.
You probably ask what is the connection between this band and my draw... The answer is - I made this draw for one of theirs posters :)
Enjoy !!! (I'll post more about them.. and more songs... next time! )